
About Me

Here are the things I love most in all the world:

I love my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  He is my oxygen and my pulse.  I seek to pattern my life after His example.  I fail often, and miserably.  But He loves me anyway - and that gives me joy!

I love my husband.  He makes me laugh when the tears are falling, and gives me such joy in the ways he honours me.  He is truly my best friend.

I love my teenagers.  They amaze me in their creativity, their giftedness, their unique perspectives.  I love to watch them grow and develop their uniqueness.  I love my son's hugs and my daughter's glint of mischief.

I love my country.  How best to typify Canada than from the inside of a snowfort???

I love so many other lesser things - my garden.  Books.  Sunsets.  Gluten-free desserts.  A kitten's paw.  Writing poetry by a crackling fire.  Traveling to interesting places.  Croatia.  A mentally challenging discussion with a close friend.  Cooking over an open fire.  The sound of a child's laughter.  Beautiful music that stirs the soul.  Quiet reflection.  Plunking out chords on my piano to accompany the lyrics I wrote.  Chocolate.  Cinnamon tea.  Painting.

I love to write!   I love to connect to you, my reader.  So leave a comment!  I'll get back to you, I promise!


  1. Hi Melody,

    Just joined your blog and I realy, really love your pics. They are a wonderful piece of art.

    Petro Neagu @
